Everyone here at IDP hopes this email finds you and your loved ones safe following Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts are with all those who are still trying to recover from the devastating storm. Disasters like these have an impact on all of us, but they make the situations of those who are most vulnerable even more precarious. Our hearts especially go out to those whose health and well-being are at the mercy of city, state, and federal correctional and immigration authorities.
While our staff has all survived the storm relatively unscathed, the IDP office in Manhattan remains closed. We recently had our power restored but remain without working internet or phones. We are all working from home, and email (info[at]immdefense[dot]org) is the best way to contact us. We have prioritized keeping the hotline up and running remotely and can still receive calls at our regular number: 212-725-6422.
Below are some resources for those seeking individual disaster assistance or hoping to volunteer their services.
Information on applying for disaster relief:
Information on FEMA and immigration status:
Volunteer opportunities for attorneys:
Information on other service opportunities:
- Occupy Sandy Relief (http://interoccupy.net/
occupysandy/) - Make the Road New York (http://maketheroad.org/)
- New York City Communities for Change Resources for Recovery (http://www.nycommunities.org/node/1519)
- VOCAL-NY Info for People Living with HIV/AIDs and Methadone Patients (http://www.vocal-ny.org/blog/drug-policy/post-sandy-updates-for-people-with-hivaids-methadone-patients/)
- http://www.nycservice.org/