Train-the-Trainer Workshop, Community Slides and KYR Presentations / Presentación Comunitaria

IDP conducts Train-the-Trainer Workshops to prepare advocates, organizers, and allies to give Know Your Rights presentations to clients and community members.

Be Informed: what is ICE, how do they operate, and what are your rights during an encounter with them?

In December 2024, the Immigrant Defense Project (IDP), Surveillance Resistance Lab, and Make the Road New York led a Train-the-Trainer webinar about ICE surveillance, policing, and what to do during an encounter with ICE. The webinar focused on how ICE operates and collects information as well as provided Know Your Rights information during encounters with ICE at homes, on the street, and in cars. The training aims to prepare advocates, organizers and allies to give Know Your Right information to clients and community members.

Watch the training:

Be Informed: what is ICE, how do they operate, and what are your rights during an encounter with them?

Slides from the training:
Slide deck for Community KYR Presentations – these slides are intended to be useful in giving KYR trainings.