ICEwatch was last updated in April 2022. As of January 2025, IDP has no immediate plans to update it and will continue to monitor trends of ICE arrests and raids to create and update our Know Your Rights (KYR) materials. In the coming months we will determine whether and how to update this map. All of IDP’s KYR materials can be found at

In 2018, the Immigrant Defense Project (IDP), in partnership with the Center for Constitutional Rights, launched “ICEwatch,” an interactive map that details ICE’s deceptive and aggressive tactics with summaries of over 1300 raids, available at ICEwatch includes raids conducted during the three years of the Trump administration as well as others that have been reported to IDP over the preceding five years. By offering details on ICE practices, ICEwatch aims to shed light on ICE tactics to better equip individuals to exercise their constitutional rights, as well as to highlight the harms associated with the agency’s mass deportation mandate that they fuel through the criminalization of immigrants.

For additional information on ICE raids, see IDP & CCR’s Defend Against ICE Raids and Community Arrests toolkit.
For Know Your Rights materials and trainings, see
To learn more about common ICE ruses, see