This page was developed in 2017. If you have resources to contribute or want change alerts, contact KYR[at]

Local, City, and State policies to protect immigrants from deportation:

Fight against criminalization, surveillance, racial profiling, and mass imprisonment.  Decrease the number of people in and harmed by the criminal legal system:

Join the growing movements calling for ICE to stay out of our communities:

Help support individuals potentially facing deportation by eliminating convictions or through deportation defense:

  • Encourage people at risk of deportation to be screened for the impact of a gubernatorial pardon, which may keep them out of deportation proceedings or open up possibilities for relief in immigration court.  
  • Help people at risk of deportation get screened for post-conviction relief, especially if they were not advised or were incorrectly advised of the immigration consequences of a conviction. Learn more in IDP’s Post-Conviction Relief model materials.

Learn how the criminal legal and immigration systems intersect — and how you can resist the detention and deportation — in our Deportation 101 curriculum guide.