Resources for Communities

Will a Criminal Court Case Affect My Immigration Status? Issues to Consider for Immigrant Clients in Criminal Court

The resource was written for community members to provide information for noncitizens about their right to advice about the immigration consequences of any plea deal or other outcome in criminal court under Padilla v. Kentucky, the possible risk of a detainer or arrest by ICE connected to the criminal case, and issues for noncitizens to consider when traveling abroad and … Read more »

ICE Detainer FAQ

IDP’s Detainer 101 provides general information about ICE detainers, also called “immigration holds”, including: Available in English and Spanish. Updated 2024.

Resources for Direct Appeals

These resources can assist in filing a notice of appeal or late notice of appeal on a New York conviction. The attached materials include samples and explainers. The attorney FAQ explains the legal requirements surrounding direct appeals in New York State. Updated 2023.

Resource: ICE Knows That You’re In DOCCS 

IDP has put together a resource that provides critical information to immigrants who are facing time in NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) or who are currently in DOCCS custody. Even though ICE and DOCCS have established close collaboration over the past few decades, people entering into or in DOCCS custody often have very little information on what … Read more »

Community FAQ: Marijuana Legalization and Considerations for Immigrant New Yorkers (English and Spanish)

On March 30, 2021, the New York State Legislature passed marijuana legalization under the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (“MRTA”). This resource explains the law and the immigration considerations for people with prior New York convictions and those considering future marijuana-related activity. Available in English and Spanish. El 30 de Marzo del 2021, la legislatura del estado de Nueva York … Read more »

El Poder de Prepararse: Como preparase en caso eres arrestado por ICE (How to prepare in case you are arrested by ICE)

Este folleto, producido por el Proyecto de Defensa del Inmigrante (Immigrant Defense Project) y el Centro de Pedagogía Urbana (Center for Urban Pedagogy), es una guía en español orientada a la comunidad que informa a las personas como preparase para un posible arresto, detención, y procedimientos en la corte de inmigracion por ICE. Enfatiza la importancia de obtener asesoría legal precisa, recopilar y … Read more »

What Type of Immigration Case? Conozca Sus Derechos en Detención

This resource by IDP and Make the Road NY explains what type of immigration case you could have if you are arrested by ICE and your rights depending on your type of case. When someone is detained by ICE, whether they can fight their case in front of an immigration judge or in another way depends on their past experience. … Read more »

ICE Car Stops – KYR

Car Stops – Resource & Know Your Rights Handout IDP has developed a two-page resource explaining what to do if you are the driver or the passenger of a car that is stopped by ICE. Includes a two-page pullout sheet that explains your rights and what to say if ICE stops you in a car. Available here in English. Disponible … Read more »


In the Fall of 2018, IDP launched Pardon: the Immigrant Clemency Project, an initiative that aims to protect immigrants and to push back against policies that disempower and marginalize people with criminal histories. Under the Trump administration, there are currently thousands of immigrants at risk of deportation because of past criminal convictions. For many individuals, a pardon is their only protection … Read more »

Changes to New York Class A Misdemeanors Explained

One Day to Protect New Yorkers We won! On April 12, 2019, the governor signed One Day to Protect New Yorkers into law, changing the maximum possible sentence for class A misdemeanors and unclassified misdemeanors from 365 days to 364 days. Read this resource to find out what this law is and how it can impact you. Un Día Para … Read more »

Emergency Preparedness

Disponible aquí en español.  If you or a loved one are at risk of deportation, make an emergency plan for the following: Meet with a Lawyer | Medical Needs | Childcare Needs |Financial Needs Advocating for a family member in an immigration bond hearing | Immigration Raids | Print this page  Organize your personal documents. Keep original identity & personal documents in a … Read more »