
Resources for Criminal Defenders

Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York, 5th Edition Detailed, practical, straightforward, and up-to-date information to help defense attorneys Understanding and Fulfilling Your Duty to Immigrant Clients Defending Immigrants Partnership An unprecedented collaboration the country’s foremost immigration advocacy and defense organizations Criminal-Immigration Helpline Expert advice and support for immigrants and their loved ones Criminal-Immigration Roundtable IDP’s monthly meeting brings together advocates … Read more »

Fix 96: How Mass Deportation Impacts Families

This year marks the 20th anniversary of harsh immigration laws that ushered in a devastating era of mass deportation. These laws – the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRAIRA) and the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) of 1996 – vastly expanded the pool of non-citizens marked out for “removal,” led to the creation of a massive, … Read more »

Media Roundup: ICE Raids & Blowback

News dropped last week that the Obama administration was planning a month-long “surge” of immigration raids targeting Central American mothers and children. The blowback was swift. Immigrant advocates and Democrats – including the presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders – came out against the raids, with Clinton saying she is “against large scale raids that tear families apart and sow fear … Read more »

Mizue Aizeki: No Matter the Target, Immigration Raids Are Inhumane (Huffington Post)

No Matter the Target, Immigration Raids Are Inhumane By Mizue Aizeki Deputy Director, Immigrant Defense Project Critics of the federal government’s latest wave of deportations—which started with predawn raids in early January and saw 121 Central American asylum seekers, many of them children and parents, grabbed from their homes by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents—correctly argue that such tactics are … Read more »


Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York, 5th Edition Over 20 percent of New York State residents are foreign-born, according to the U.S. Census, and many are non-citizens who may be easily subject to detention and deportation for criminal convictions. Through a well-organized explanation and analysis of the relevant law – along with our renowned two-page “Immigration Consequences of Crimes Summary Checklist” … Read more »

Other Community Resources

IDP also develops accessible resources for community-based organizations focused on the intersection between the criminal justice and immigration systems and for directly impacted community members. Given the complexity and urgency of “crim-imm” issues, and the need to disrupt narratives around them, we are committed to developing creative materials, utilizing storytelling, personal narratives, and graphics. Through our collaboration with a broad base of … Read more »

Community Education: Workshops and Trainings

IDP Train-the Trainers IDP offers substantive Know Your Rights Train-the-Trainer presentations to equip community members and advocates for training others on ICE enforcement and strategies for invoking legal rights.  A video and materials from our most recent training are available here. To be notified about other know your rights training opportunities in the future, fill out this form. For other questions, email [email protected]. … Read more »

DANGER! Police Involvement in Mass Deportation — Graphic Novel

The U.S is deporting people at a record pace (close to 400,000 a year!) and the rapidly expanding collaboration between police and immigration is a key tool. Immigrant communities urgently need tools to protect and expand their rights. Immigrant Defense Project initiated DANGER! Police Involvement in Mass Deportation in 2013 in work to end police collaboration with ICE with our allies the Sex … Read more »

Mizue Aizeki: U.S. Immigrant-Detention Policy Is Not Justified (CQ Researcher)

This article was first published on October 23, 2015 at CQ Researcher. Is U.S. Immigrant-Detention Policy Justified? By Mizue Aizeki Deputy Director, Immigrant Defense Project Is it justifiable to imprison more than 400,000 people each year — including longtime green card holders, children and families, trafficking survivors and asylum seekers — for civil violations of immigration law? To lock them … Read more »

Andrew Wachtenheim: Judges Call for Curb on Immigration Detention, Administration Should Listen — and Act (Huffington Post)

This article was originally published at the Huffington Post, on November 13, 2015. Judges Call for Curb on Immigration Detention, Administration Should Listen — and Act By Andrew Wachtenheim, IDP Staff Attorney The federal court decision blocking the president’s executive actions on immigration wasn’t the only significant judicial intervention in immigration policy in recent days. In late October, another court found against … Read more »

Manny Vargas: New York Leads the Way on Immigrant Defense (Huffington Post)

This article was originally published at Huffington Post. New York Leads the Way on Immigrant Defense By Manny Vargas Immigrants in criminal proceedings in the U.S. face the very real threat of deportation depending on how their cases come out, so it’s imperative that they get effective legal representation. Last week, New York became the first state in the nation … Read more »

Alisa Wellek: Supreme Court Reins in Some Drug Deportations, But Deeper Reforms Needed (The Hill)

Supreme Court reins in some drug deportations, but deeper reforms needed June 05, 2015, 08:00 am By Alisa Wellek The United States Supreme Court ruled this week that the federal government went too far in seeking to deport immigrants for certain low-level drug-related offenses. Moones Mellouli, a legal permanent resident and math teacher originally from Tunisia, was deported after pleading guilty … Read more »

Attorney General Holder Vacates Matter of Silva-Trevino!

IDP applauds the April 10th Order of Attorney General Eric Holder vacating Matter of Silva-Trevino, 24 I&N Dec. 287 (AG 2008), a highly problematic decision that has led to the unjust deportation of many immigrants from the United States. This action by the sitting Attorney General is a tremendous step in the restoration of justice and due process to immigrants facing possible … Read more »

This Valentine’s Day, Celebrate Best Breakup Ever: ICE out of Rikers

For decades, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) used its office trailer on Rikers Island, one of the world’s largest jails, as a base for funneling thousands of New Yorkers into a mass detention and deportation machine that tears apart families and violates human rights. On Valentine’s Day, 2015, the Immigrant Defense Project celebrated the #bestbreakupever. February 14, 2015 was the first day that … Read more »

Alisa Wellek: Deportation for Possessing a Sock (Huffington Post)

The Supreme Court yesterday heard a case that reflects the tragic absurdity of both the War on Drugs and the mass deportation machine that relies on it: Moones Mellouli, a math teacher and lawful permanent resident has been forever separated from his family and home in the U.S. for possessing a sock. In Mellouli v. Holder, at issue is the … Read more »

New Bill Announced to End NYC Collaboration with ICE

For Immediate Release: Immigrants Rights Advocates, Legal Service Providers and Faith Leaders Applaud the Introduction of Bill to End NYC’s Collaboration with Unjust Deportation Machinery Bill would protect immigrant families, draw clear line between local and immigration law enforcement, and make the city safer New York – Leading immigrants rights organizations from across the city who have worked for years … Read more »

Summary of IDP 2014 Accomplishments

This year, we experienced the landmark of 2 million deportations in the past six years and the flat lining of Congressional efforts to enact comprehensive immigration reform. While these two facts are well known, the reality that an unprecedented number of families have been permanently separated as a result, depriving hundreds of thousands of American children the opportunity to be … Read more »