
National Resources

ICE Out of Courts Campaign Toolkit IDP’s campaign work responding to ICE courthouse raids and arrests has focused on a statewide campaign in New York, and on working with partners in other states as part of what has become a national movement. This toolkit presents materials generated by IDP, the ICE Out of Courts Coalition (#ICEOutofCourts), and national partners in … Read more »

Redadas de Inmigración

Durante años, IDP ha estado buscando, solicitando información, y entrenando miembros de la comunidad, en materia de redadas y arrestos de inmigración (ICE*). Para desafiar la práctica de redadas de ICE, las comunidades deben entender las tácticas de ICE, ayudar a aquellos que están en riesgo de deportación, y preparar estrategias para pelear organizadamente y/o en las cortes. * ICE, … Read more »

La Guía Sobre Redadas y Arrestos de ICE

Defensa contra las redadas y los arrestos comunitarios de ICE (actualizada en julio del 2017) – esta guía es una colaboración entre Immigrant Defense Project (IDP) y Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), y la culminación de nuestro trabajo colectivo contra las redadas en hogares por Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (Immigration and Customs Enforcement, o ICE) durante las administraciones de … Read more »

Episode 6: Podcast Extra: A Lot of Fire and Hope and Struggle

Previous Episode | Main Page | Next Episode Over the past several weeks, Indefensible Podcast has brought you the stories of real people from across the country who have fought deportation well before the Trump administration. In each of the five episodes, we held space for immigrants to speak about their experiences in their own words. With other on-the-ground advocates and organizers, … Read more »

Episode 5: Let My People Stay

Previous Episode | Main Page | Next Episode For updates, visit Long-time resident, community activist, father, and husband, Ravi Ragbir, has fought against permanent exile from life in the U.S. for over 11 years. For Ravi and his family, it’s been a fight to take back control over their life. Only a few months after Trump took office, Ravi mobilized a large … Read more »

ICE in New York State Courts Survey

Since the election, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has substantially increased the number of immigrants it targets in New York State Courts. For more information, visit our Ice out of the Courts campaign. As a result, many advocates are hearing from immigrants that they have a profound fear of going to court. This includes immigrants who need access to the … Read more »

Episode 4: Cooking Up Resistance

Previous Episode | Main Page | Next Episode Patrick Thaxter is a former chef who now works quietly in the kitchen of a good friend in Germantown, Philadelphia. Originally from Jamaica, he traveled to the U.S. for a soccer tournament eighteen years ago. On that trip, he met an American woman at a Miami club and the two fell in … Read more »

Eyes on ICE Webinar Materials

On June 13, 2017, IDP & WITNESS co-hosted a webinar on the power and perils of filming ICE. Find more information here.  Below are slides organizers and advocates can use to train people about their right to film ICE, as well as how to share photographs or videos safely and ethically. The slides are formatted as .jpg files, which can … Read more »

PCR Referral form

*This form is for attorney-use only. If you are not an attorney, please contact us through the IDP hotline and we will assist you. Referral guidelines: Vacatur of plea/sentence reduction must clearly improve immigration situation (e.g., avoid deportation, remove bar to green card, make eligible for discretionary relief/waiver, etc.) No more than one felony conviction requiring 440 relief, or two … Read more »

Episode 3: Fighting to be with the People You Love

Previous Episode | Main Page | Next Episode In 2016, William Diaz Castro was arrested at his home in New Orleans by ICE agents who were looking for someone else. He was charged with “illegal reentry” because he had been deported to Guatemala before. But this time, William’s wife Linda and their son witnessed the traumatic arrest. William is a … Read more »

Eyes on ICE – Information on documenting encounters with immigration agents

Para leer información sobre este seminario web, hacer click aquí | Part 1: Know Your Rights & Practical Tips for Filming ICE   Part 2 of EYES ON ICE: Community approaches to documenting and organizing around encounters with immigration agents Watch the recording here As Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) expands the deportation system, communities and grassroots groups are continuing to fight back, … Read more »

Dismantle, Don’t Expand: The 1996 Immigration Laws

Dismantle, Don’t Expand: The 1996 Immigration Laws by the Immigrant Rights Clinic at NYU School of Law and Immigrant Justice Network: May 2017 — The last major revisions to U.S. immigration laws were made in 1996 under President Clinton. Shorthanded as the “‘96 Laws,” the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) and the Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility … Read more »

Criminal Justice Reforms In An Era of Mass Deportation

On May 4, 2017, the Harvard Law School’s Fair Punishment Project, the Immigrant Defense Project, and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center released a report “The Promise of Sanctuary Cities and the Need for Criminal Justice Reforms in An Era of Mass Deportation.” The report urges city leaders who want to protect immigrants to act swiftly to end harmful criminal justice … Read more »

Preparación para Casos de Emergencia

Si tú o un ser querido está en riesgo de deportación, es importante crear un plan de emergencia que incluya lo siguiente. Organiza tus documentos personales. Mantén tus documentos originales personales y de identidad en un sitio seguro. Saca copias y guárdalas  donde alguien de tu confianza pueda acceder a ellas si te llegan a detener. Recopila todos tus documentos … Read more »

Practical Tips for Defenders on ICE at Courts

Download IDP resource “Practical Tips for Defenders on ICE at Courts,” IDP’s free guide, updated in July 2019, gives practical suggestions for supporting clients if ICE agents show up to detain them in court. For years, Immigrant Defense Project (IDP) received periodic but infrequent reports of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detaining unsuspecting people appearing in local Criminal Courts. However, … Read more »