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Key Removal Defenses in Criminal Charge Cases

This Removal Defenses in Criminal Charge Cases resource summarizes key legal defenses and strategies that noncitizens and their legal representatives may pursue in removal proceedings in which the government is alleging removability or ineligibility for relief from removal based on crime-related charges. While it does not cover every criminal ground, it is designed as a starting point for research. It includes a summary of legal arguments and strategies including strategies that may require federal court litigation.

This resource is an updated version of the IDP resource previously entitled Removal Defense Checklist in Criminal Charge Cases.

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Updated New York Quick Reference Chart, 2025 Edition

This digital, subscription-based chart provides access to newly updated information about the possible immigration consequences of specific, commonly charged New York offenses. The 2025 edition is current through the 2024 calendar year. Subscribers will receive practice notes about significant legal developments and a 20% discount on the next update, expected in January 2026.

Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York

Understanding the immigration consequences of a criminal case is a complex area of law and has become increasingly so in recent years. Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York by Manuel D. Vargas organizes and presents this area of immigration law in a way that will be useful to criminal defense practitioners, immigrant advocates, and immigrants who want to learn about the potential immigration consequences of a New York criminal case. This sixth edition has been updated through June 2017.

Fighting Aggravated Felony Charges

This resource is intended to provide immigrants and their legal advocates with information about available legal arguments and supporting case law to challenge aggravated felony charges in removal, asylum/withholding, naturalization, and other immigration proceedings.  It is also intended to assist federal criminal defense attorneys fight against charges of illegal reentry after conviction of an aggravated felony. This resource was last updated in January 2017. For more up-to-date information on arguments for fighting Aggravated Felony charges, consider purchasing IDP’s similarly-priced 2022 resource Key Removal Defenses in Criminal Charge Cases, which includes an entire section outlining arguments against aggravated felony charges with updated listings of supporting and contrary case law for each argument.