Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York
Sixth Edition
by Manuel D. Vargas
Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York provides information about the foundations of crim-imm and strategies to avoid adverse immigration consequences in either criminal or immigration proceedings.
Understanding the immigration consequences of a criminal case is a complex area of law and has become increasingly so in recent years. Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York organizes and presents this area of immigration law in a way that will be useful to:
- criminal defense practitioners in New York representing immigrant clients who need to comply with their constitutional and ethical duty to investigate and advise about the immigration consequences of convictions;
- advocates representing or counseling immigrants in removal proceedings; and
- immigrants facing potential immigration consequences of a New York criminal case.
Representing Immigrant Defendants in New York provides information about the foundations of crim-imm and strategies to avoid adverse immigration consequences in either criminal or immigration proceedings.
This sixth edition has been updated through June 2017. Updated versions of some of the appendices that were included in prior editions, including our Quick Reference Chart for Determining Key Immigration Consequences of Common New York, are available here.
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